Despite all caution, it can still happen: a fire breaks out. Maybe with one of your neighbors. Or in your own home. What now? Correct action is required now. Here are tips on what to do if you discover a fire.
1. The fire is just starting
Try to nip the source of the fire in the bud.
Only make an attempt to extinguish the fire if you are not in danger!
Never extinguish burning fat or other liquid fuels with water. This can result in a very high tongue of flame – this is life-threatening! If it is possible without endangering yourself, turn off the power source or take the pan off the hob. Put a lid on the pan to stifle the fire. Only use special fire extinguishers which are suitable for fat fires (Fire Class F).
Turn off the electric power in the danger zone before starting to extinguish the fire! Caution – risk of electric shock!
Always extinguish a fire from the bottom to the top and from the side to the middle!
Never enter rooms that are filled with smoke! Poisonous noxious fumes form there. If you are in a room filled with smoke, move forwards, crawling along the floor. Close the door from the outside and alert the fire brigade on 112.
2. Fire extinguishing attempts are not possible
Close the windows of the room, but only if this is possible without putting yourself in danger. If not, leave the room immediately.
Close the door of the room where the fire is. This will deprive the fire of oxygen.
3. Call the fire brigade
Call 112!
Where is the site of the emergency?
What has happened?
Who is calling?
Wait for questions!
4. Warn and protect people
Warn other people in the apartment or house!
Take yourself and others to safety (if applicable, can also be done by other people).
5. Everyone out
You have to leave the building or the apartment, floor etc.? Ensure that no one is left behind.
If you have your emergency pack ready and handy, take it with you. However, under no circumstances put yourself in danger by trying to save items from the flames! The safety of people always comes first! Emergency pack
Close all the doors, but do not lock them to aid fast searching.
Fire protection safety doors and fire doors are closed, of course.
Keep the keys to rooms or windows which can only be opened with a key ready for the emergency personnel.
6. Everyone in safety?
After leaving the building, check whether everybody from the flat or the house is in safety. If someone is missing, the fire brigade must assume that they are still in the building and thus in danger.
7. Wait for and brief fire brigade
Describe the premises, people in danger or objects that may explode to the fire brigade.