Prepare for storms

Number: 1

Severe weather, especially severe storms, are usually announced a few days in advance.

Therefore, find out about existing warnings, for example on the website of the German Weather Service (DWD), so that you can prepare yourself.

You can also receive severe weather warnings via the NINA warning app. There are preparations that require some lead time and should therefore be implemented even if there is no severe weather warning.

Basic precautionary care

Here's what you can do to be better prepared for a severe storm:

  • Take structural measures to increase the safety of your residential building in the event of a storm, or suggest this to your property manager or your landlord.
  • Build up a supply of food and drink bit by bit. Such a supply is also useful during a storm: If possible, you should not leave your home during a storm warning, not even to go shopping.
  • Create a medicine cabinet. In this way you can avoid unnecessary trips to the pharmacy in the event of storm warnings.
  • Prepare for a power outage. During severe storms, falling trees can damage power lines. Take precautions such as having a battery-powered radio, flashlights, and candles ready.
  • Prepare your emergency luggage and document pack. A storm can also severely damage buildings, making them in danger of collapsing. Or the storm is accompanied by heavy rains that lead to flooding. Then you may have to leave your home quickly. With emergency luggage and a document folder, you have everything you need to hand immediately.
  • Document your property with photos. This can be helpful if damage occurs during a storm and you want to make a claim on your insurance. For example, you can save the photos digitally on a data medium and pack them in your emergency luggage or enclose them in the same way as your document folder.

A severe weather warning - what now?

  • Most important rule: stay at home! Try to reschedule appointments or appointments and, if possible, make use of home office arrangements.
  • Check your precautions: Do you need to stock up on groceries? Do you have enough spare batteries for your flashlight? Try to run urgent errands before the storm hits.
  • Secure outdoor movable objects against gusts of wind, such as bicycles or garden furniture.

You will find a checklist to help you prepare emergency luggage, document folders, supplies and power failure precautions in the guide to emergency preparedness and correct action in emergency situations:
